This page offers you information about sepsis and also about organizations like the Global and the European Sepsis Alliance. Furthermore it provides you with updates regarding new developments, media attention and topics like the treatment of sepsis, long term sequelae and aftercare.
The book ‘Sepsis and afterwards‘ is intended for anyone going through or experiencing sepsis up close. But also for anyone who wants to know more about sepsis. An important guide to recovery, during and after hospitalization, for both patient and family. Compact and also useful as a reference book.
March 19th ’25 a European Call to Action was launched
On this date the 8th European Sepsis Alliance Annual meeting took place, at the heart of the European Parliament. You can watch the recordings and read the Call to action here!
In The Lancet (October ’24): Survivor’s call to action!
On World Sepsis Day 2024, European sepsis patient groups, sepsis survivors, and grieving families, united in the Sepsis Stronger Together consortium, launched the Paris Declaration with a call to action to the European leaders. This was published in The Lancet.
Interview with Professor Lankadeva about sodium ascorbate (formula of vitamin C) to treat sepsis
Professor Yugeesh Lankadeva (Florey Institute, Melbourne) led the team that conducted research on the use of a megadose of the sodium salt of vitamin C to treat sepsis. Idelette Nutma ( talked to him about this important development because it looks promising in reducing the burden of sepsis, also regarding the long term effects. This interview was organized in collaboration with the CMSM (Collaboration for Medical Supplementation of Micronutrients, a patient driven initiatieve bringing together patient representatives and scientists) (
Prof. Lankadeva is lead investigator of the MEGASCORES research program that aims to advance megadose sodium ascorbate to multicentre Phase IB en Phase II clinical trials across Australia over the next 4 years. The results of this research were published in Critical Care Medicine in February 2021, in October 2023 in Critical Care (BMC) and in August 2024 in British Journal of Aneasthesia.
An overview of the publications
👉in Critical Care Medicine, 2021
👉in Critical Care (BMC), 2023
👉in British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2024
On the 10th of September the ‘2030 Global Sepsis Agenda’ was launched
This is really a major step forward, providing the first global strategy developed under the leadership of the Global Sepsis Alliance, with the engagement of 70 partner and member organizations from GSA and Regional Sepsis Alliances across Africa, Asia-Pacific, the Caribbean, the Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Latin America, and North America.
On the 9th of September sepsis survivors, relatives and bereaved, joined together in Paris, shared their impressive stories about their struggle with sepsis and the post sepsis impact. It was a totally patient driven event, thanks to the initiative of Krista Bracke, who suffered from a sepsis herself. She lost both her legs and is a passionate patient advocate since then. She and James and Elena brought together 9 patient organizations from Europa. The lived experience told by so many patients and relatives, combined with talks by, amongst others, Ron Daniels (UK Sepsis Trust), Mariam Yashi (Global Sepsis Alliance) and Djillali Annane (Professor in intensive care medicine, director of General ICU at Raymond Poincaré Hospital) made this event really special. Our joined European Voices and our working together can have a much larger impact on the Sepsis policy on the European level than working separately! So this is really a milestone…..also for patient advocacy.
Recordings WSC spotlight ’24 available
Take a look at the YouTube chanel
and get updates about new insights regarding early recognition and treatment. Throughout 9 distinctive sessions, globally renowned clinicians, researchers, experts, and thought leaders will cover the need for early diagnosis and treatment of sepsis in surgical patients, data, AI, and predictive modeling in sepsis, how hypervolemia increases the mortality rate in sepsis, the role of biomarkers, detecting sepsis in ventilated patients, pediatric sepsis, including the new ‘Phoenix Criteria’, as well as personalized approaches to sepsis management.
Watch the recordings of the 7th ESA annual meeting
Order ‘Sepsis and afterwards’ here
The book ‘Sepsis and afterwards’ provides former patients and their relatives with a clear lead, and offers eye openers to professionals. It was published in 2016 and written by Idelette Nutma, who is former patient and a former nurse as well. Are you looking for some more detailed information about the content of the book and the author? See here
The book Sepsis and afterwards was offered to the Global Sepsis Alliance Council on the 22nd of March 2017. You find a picture of this event displayed.
From left to right: Simon Finfer (Australia, Treasurer), Flavia Machado (Brazil, Secretary), Konrad Reinhart (Germany, Chairman), Ron Daniels (UK, CEO) en Niranjan Kissoon (Vice chairman, Canada). The book ‘Sepsis and afterwards’ is endorsed by the GSA as well.
Interested in a lecture? Or looking for information?
Mail me, I will gladly inform you about the possibilities. Concerning education: I’m used to giving presentations at congresses or at peer meetings.
‘The hidden faces of sepsis’
This article was published in ‘ICU management and practice’ (2017) and sheds light on sepsis sequelae. Quote from the introduction: “Based on the patients’ perspective Nutma sheds light on the hidden faces of sepsis, calling for more expertise on sepsis sequelae. She also offers recommendations to improve recovery and outcome.” ICU Management & Practice is the official management journal of the International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine.
The ‘Sepsis Alarm Boek’ was launched in the Netherlands, including contributions by Dr. Daniels en Dr. Fleischmann
Published (sept. 2023): ‘Understanding Post-Sepsis Syndrome; How can clinicians help?’
In this overview article by v.d. Slikke et al. a great summary is provided regarding the mechanisms that are driving the longlasting sequelae after sepsis. The authors also address all kinds of importants topics to help combat these sequelae: amongst them are: enhancing sepsis awareness and prevention, attention for the cognitieve disruptions, the oxidative stress, the risks of recurrent infections and cardiovascular accidents as well al the mental impact (PTSS) and therefore the importance of follow-up and ‘taylor-made’ nutrition and exercise, taking into account exercise intolerance due to a faltering energy-supply. Furthermore they shed light on ‘precision medicine’ and possible future therapeutic interventions. The authors also mention the importance of working together with patient representatives in setting up aftercare and in defining important outcomes with regard to quality of life: ask them what they feel matters most. Last but not least they emphasize that Post-sepsis Syndrome is not restricted to post-ICU patients. Patients treated in the general ward often face many of the same problems, and the similarities with Long Covid and other Post Acute Infection Syndromes can teach us a lot as well.
The Berlin Declaration on Sepsis
On the occasion of World Sepsis Day 2023 and the Central 2023 WSD Event ‘The Enactment of the WHO Sepsis Resolution on the National and International Level’ on September 12, the Global Sepsis Alliance and the Sepsis Stiftung – jointly with the signatories – launched the Berlin Declaration on Sepsis. They call for the urgent enforcement of the WHA Resolution on Sepsis and reinvigorated global action on sepsis. Watch the Berlin Declaration.
How is Europe doing when it comes to sepsis management, awareness and aftercare?
Take a look at this report for an overview. 11 European countries describe their efforts to enhance sepsis awareness in their countries. You find the European Sepsis Report here.
Watch the recordings of the 4th World Sepsis Congress
Recordings 6th European Sepsis Alliance Annual meeting
On the 21st of March 2023, the 6th Annual Meeting of the European Sepsis Alliance took place in Brussels. Former sepsis patient Kristina Börkqvist gave an impressive talk and different experts shared their opinions and knowledge. The picture of the quality of sepsis care in Europe is not the brightest. Procedures for early recognition are not sufficiently widespread. Take a look at this picture presenting the ‘low hanging fruit’ ready for improvement (taken from the presentation by Christian Scheer, who gave a summary from the European Sepsis Care Survey). For a video and summary, see this link
European Health Forum
On the 28th of September 2022 the European Health Forum Gastein gave room to a session about Sepsis, organized by the ESA. I was asked to take part in a panel, emphasizing the importance of early detection and calling for more (expertise regarding) aftercare. Link to the recording
World Sepsis Spotlight online Congress on the 27th of April
Listen to the talks of many renowned experts from all over the world. They shared the newest therapeutic and diagnostic approaches for COVID-19 and sepsis,
Can post-sepsis-patients benefit from SSRI-medication?
In the Netherlands former neuropsychiatrist Carla Rus has been advising Long Covid patients for the past 2 years to go to their general practitioner to discuss trying out SSRI medication. Important detail: prescription by the GP has nothing to do with the indication of ‘depression’ but is based on the effects (experienced by many patients) lessening or taking away ‘brainfog’, ‘overstimulation’ and neurocognitive issues. SSRI medication can often reduce tiredness and a much to high heartrate as well. She shared her insights, based on literature and experience with ME-patients with ‘Sepsis en daarna’ because she thinks it very likely that the same mechanisms (that could partly be related to disturbances in the HPA-axis) could be of much benefit to patients with serious post sepsis sequalae. That’s why ‘Sepsis en daarna’ and Carla Rus started collaborating regarding this topic. They did explorative research as well, involving 95 Long Covid patients. A pre-print (still under peer-review) has been published by Science Reports in July 2023. You can read it here.
Hopeful developments regarding vitamin D in COVID-19
On the 13th of December 2021 a letter was sent to the Ministry of Health, to pay attention to Vitamin D again. Attached was this document regarding new information. The following press release was also released the next day: “We hereby draw your attention *) to our request to the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport to pay attention to Vitamin D again. We are pleased that the government authorized the vitamin D product Hidroferol earlier this year for treatment of a vitamin D deficiency. It can significantly increase the vitamin D status in the blood in about four hours. This drug can therefore make a big difference in the need for ICU admission and the chance of survival if the treatment is started immediately after hospitalization. It is important that these new insights are incorporated into policy. This way, a lot of impact can be prevented in the short term. We hope this can quickly contribute to alleviating the need for patients and our healthcare system. Attached is the document: ‘The role of vitamin D in COVID-19 intervention studies’ .
*) This request was made on behalf of a number of participants of the initiative group ‘The role of micronutrients in the acute phase of critical illness’, which was set up by patient and civil health organizations (incl. ‘Sepsis en daarna’) that sought collaboration with scientists.
European Sepsis Alliance launched a Position Paper about the need for follow-up
In december 2021 the ESA launched a position paper as a statement on the requests of patients and families regarding sepsis follow-up. You find the paper here.
Session about sepsis, World Health Summit, October ’21
In this session as organized by the Global Sepsis Alliance, Dr. Carolin Fleischmann-Struzek was one of the speakers. She reported the results from the research amongst sepsis survivors. You can take a look on YouTube (the video-fragment with Fleischmann is at 35 minutes). The long term sequelae are common amongst survivors of less severe sepsis too.
English overview of the Dutch Educational Peer Meeting
New SSC sepsis guidelines were published
This guideline is updated from time to time, based on literature and best practice.
New is the involvement of former patients in defining priorities and points of attention regarding communication with patients and relatives and aftercare. A real milestone.
Unfortunately, the advice on vitamin C remains negative (still) but what is a step forward is the focus on more information about (the possible consequences of) sepsis at discharge, referral to peer contact and attention to follow-up for all sepsis patients.
Watch the ESA Annual Meeting 2021, on 9-9-2021
00:00:00 Welcome and Introduction
00:04:14 Why Europe Needs a Coordinated Effort to Implement the WHA Resolution on Sepsis (Hans Kluge)
00:10:26 The EU Response to New Scenarios, Between Emergency and Creating Resilient Health Systems (Gabrijela Korže)
00:23:39 Panel: How the Fight Against Sepsis Can Help Respond to the Pandemic and Global Health Threats
01:26:24 Panel: Lack of Data and Knowledge on Sepsis: What Are the Practical Solutions to Tackle This Deficit?
02:08:34 Panel: Patient-Centric Health Systems: Leveraging Lessons from Long-COVID and Sepsis Patients
02:54:58 Closing Remarks
Order ‘Sepsis and afterwards’ here
The book ‘Sepsis and afterwards’ provides former patients and their relatives with a clear lead, and offers eye openers to professionals. It was published in 2016 and written by Idelette Nutma, who is former patient and a former nurse as well. Are you looking for some more detailed information about the content of the book and the author? See here
The book Sepsis and afterwards was offered to the Global Sepsis Alliance Council on the 22nd of March 2017. You find a picture of this event displayed.
From left to right: Simon Finfer (Australia, Treasurer), Flavia Machado (Brazil, Secretary), Konrad Reinhart (Germany, Chairman), Ron Daniels (UK, CEO) en Niranjan Kissoon (Vice chairman, Canada). The book ‘Sepsis and afterwards’ is endorsed by the GSA as well.
Interested in a lecture?
Mail me, I will gladly inform you about the possibilities. I’m used to giving presentations at congresses or at peer meetings.
‘The hidden faces of sepsis’
This article was published in ‘ICU management and practice’ (2017) and sheds light on sepsis sequelae. Quote from the introduction: “Based on the patients’ perspective Nutma sheds light on the hidden faces of sepsis, calling for more expertise on sepsis sequelae. She also offers recommendations to improve recovery and outcome.” ICU Management & Practice is the official management journal of the International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine.
On the 13th of September it is World Sepsis Day
Take the World Sepsis Day quiz online! There is a version for the general public and a version for professionals too. Go to the quiz (both versions available)
The European Sepsis Alliance launched an overview
Take a look at the overview of activities in Europe to enhance the sepsis awareness and attention for long term after effects. You find the ESA report here.
GSA, ESCIM and SCCM launched a joint statement
The GSA, ESICM, and SCCM Issued a Joint Statement in June 2021 Highlighting Links Between COVID-19 and Sepsis. “Sepsis should become a widely used umbrella term for a condition that is caused by different pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2”, says Tex Kissoon, GSA President.” You can find the full text here, published in Intensive Care Medicine.
Brochure ‘Life after sepsis’
In this brochure, that was published on March 23 2020, you find the explanation about sepsis, it’s symptoms, the treatment and the possible impact. Moreover, this brochure gives you insight into the physical as well as the mental and social issues patients and relatives may face. Furthermore it may serve as a back support in your contacts with your general practitioner or employer. You find it here.
The World Sepsis Congress 2021 was recorded
Listen to all the presentations via the YouTube-channel.
Press release by Patient organizations in the Netherlands
The braindamage foundation ( and ‘Sepsis en daarna’ in the Netherlands issued a press release with this topic: “Patient organizations call on government and doctors: use vitamin C therapy quickly with COVID-19 and prevent much damage!”. You find the English version here. Furthermore a letter was sent to the Advisory Panel COVID-19.
On September 9th the GSA and the WHO organized the Spotlight World Sepsis Congress
Many sepsis experts from all over the world shared their knowledge, live-stream.
The congress focused on the following topic: “ SEPSIS, PANDEMICS, AND ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE – GLOBAL HEALTH THREATS OF THE 21ST CENTURY. You can watch the Opening Session here. Click here to go directly to the Congress website.
Letters to the Dutch Minister of Health about vitamin C
Sofar three letters have been sent to the Dutch Minister of Health concerning therapy with high doses of vitamin C to combat COVID-19 in patients who are (becoming) seriously ill.
The first letter was sent on the 23rd of April 2020, the second letter on the 3rd of June 2020 and the third letter was sent on the 27nd of October. You find the translations by clicking on the links above.
Watch this video of the anual meeting of the ESA 2020
The European Sepsis Alliance annual meeting was held on March 23, 2020.
Find the program and watch the video here.
The annual ESICM congress in Berlin in October 2019
Many webcasts by professionals from all over the world are available on the ESCIM website.
Listen to the recording of the lecture: ‘A patient speaks up: Moments of truth during and after an Intensive Care Unit stay’
Listen to this TedTalk by Melanie Wright
The Dutch Ministry of Health supports the initiative of starting up a Dutch Sepsis Network!
In July 2019 the petition-group ‘SOS voor sepsis’ received a letter from the Dutch Minister of Health confirming his support for the creation of a Sepsis Network in the Netherlands. Preparations will start in the autumn of 2019. Great news!
On the 18th of March 2019 the second European Sepsis Alliance annual meeting took place
Shahrzad Kiavash from Sweden, an athlete who suffered from a sepsis herself, was one of the speakers. She lost both of her lower legs due to sepsis.
A roundtable discussion, joined by former patients and relatives shed light on the important aspects from the patients’ perspective. For instance: what does safety mean? Rapid intervention is important but how does this relate to protocols and a thorough diagnosis? How can sepsis set it’s seal upon our entire healthcaresystem as a time-critical condition and as an illness with longterm consequences that need to be addressed for example by offering tailor made rehabilitation? In breakout-sessions the topics of advocacy, policy and quality of sepsis care in Europe were discussed. Take a look at the presentations here.
The 2nd World Sepsis Congress, Sept. 5th and 6th 2018
Over the course of 17 sessions, more than 100 speakers from 30 countries discussed all aspects of sepsis and its wide-ranging consequences (amongst them, the initiator of this website). All talks were recorded and will be available to view on the WSC YouTube Channel and as a Podcast on Apple Podcasts soon. You can already subscribe to be notified once new episodes are available.
Watch the world sepsis congress recordings here.
Watch the new sepsis video, created by the GSA (2017)
The English book Sepsis and afterwards was released on September 2nd, 2016 (click on the picture)
You can use this direct link as well to order the book online
What is this book about?
Sepsis and afterwards combines important information and stories from personal experience with the latest developments and insights. Physical and mental aspects are highlighted, together with practical tips Sepsis and afterwards provides former patients and their relatives with a clear lead, and offers eye openers to professionals. A helpful guide, during hospital admission and after discharge. Recommended by the UK Sepsis Trust (see the ‘quick links’-section).
Important: if you would like to buy ‘Sepsis and afterwards’ but the payment method of your choice is not available, please send your mail, with subject ‘Book Sepsis and afterwards’ and your address details to: and you’ll receive all necessary details for ordering and payment.
Price: 19,50 € . Shipping costs outside the Netherlands (except for Belgium) are not included.
Media attention
Take a look on the website of the Global Sepsis Alliance
Take a look on the website of the US Sepsis Alliance.
Take a look on the website of ‘ICU steps’
Take a look on the website of the UK Sepsis Trust, It recommends Sepsis and afterwards as ‘Additional support for sepsis survivors’.
Dutch Petition ‘SOS voor sepsis’ was launched in September 2017 and signed by the GSA
On January 23 2018 the petition was offered to the House of Representatives. Since then we’ve been invited 3 times at the Ministry of Healthcare. In novemer 2018 we received message from our Ministry of Healthcare that the request for a grant to appoint a project coordinator to coordinate a National Action Plan regarding sepsis, is now on the table of the Minister himself….You can take a look at the petition here.
2nd WSC – ‘Sepsis Is a Devastating Disease’
Listen to the Survivors and Those Bereaved (Session 14). You can listen to them here.
Video ‘5 facts about sepsis’, by the Global Sepsis Alliance
The Global Sepsis Alliance launched a new initiative on the 20th of March 2018: the European Sepsis Alliance!
It’s very inspiring to see how things are coming together; the Dutch petition ‘SOS voor sepsis’ (SOS for sepsis, a call for a National Action Plan) is certainly going to benefit from more collaboration in Europe. The purpose of the meeting in Brussels was to promote this collaboration and to urge governments to take action. The GSA puts it this way: ‘Sepsis is the most preventable Cause of Death and Disability in Europe.’
Watch the latest video, created by the Sepsis Alliance together with the Society of Critical Care Medicine
The video was created to enhance the awareness of sepsis survivorship
The Global Sepsis Alliance and the WHO join forces
Together they put the spot light on ‘Maternal and Neonatal Sepsis’. The talks are available on the YouTube channel. For more information see here:
Read the resolution that was adapted by the WHA (World Health Assembly) in May 2017
You find the full text here. Become a supporter of World Sepsis Day. To find out more and to register, visit
The talks of the 1st World Sepsis Congress were recorded
The Global Sepsis Alliance newsletter
Read it here published on the 11th of May 2017).
On May 24th, the Global Sepsis Alliance, jointly with the German Ministry of Health and the International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations, hosted the ‘WHA Side Event on Sepsis’ in Geneva, see here.
Education for nurses
Watch this video, created by the Sepsis Alliance: ‘Nurses Suspect Sepsis’ (May 2017)
‘Sepsis and afterwards’ was offered to the GSA council
On March 22nd, at the World Sepsis Day supporters meeting, Idelette Nutma offered the book Sepsis and afterwards to the Global Sepsis Alliance council. At this meeting representatives from many countries all over the world gave un update on developments regarding sepsis awareness in their country.
To get an update on (global) activities regarding sepsis
See the World Sepsis Day newsletter. Read more
MP Mike Wood survived sepsis, see the Birmingham mail
Watch this video about his comeback in the House of Commons as a grateful man. But he has a message. He urges Prime Minister Theresa May to take action to prevent unnessary deaths caused by sepsis.
Take a look at the YouTube channel where you find all talks of the World Sepsis Congress
Over the course of two days and 13 sessions, 75 speakers from over 20 countries gave keynote speeches and presentations on all aspects of sepsis. Click here
The horrible & hidden faces of sepsis urge us to join forces!
On the occasion of the third sepsis symposium in the Netherlands, I was given the opportunity to give a talk. You can read the summary here. The symposium, held in Amsterdam (congress organizer ‘Interactie-opleidingen’) brought together physicians, nurses, researchers and students from different countries in Europe. The program was composed by MD PhD Arthur van Zanten, Prof. Peter Pickkers and Prof. Armand Girbes.
A personal story about sepsis, see this link
You can read my story, published on the site of the Sepsis Alliance in the US, here.
The Extraordinary life of Alex Lewis, watch this video
Listen to more then 20 sepsis experts who shared their knowledge at the World Sepsis Congress, 8 and 9 September 2016!
Accessible to everyone!
Konrad Reinhart speaks about the Global impact of sepsis and summarizes, in a nut shell, everything you need to know about that. You can see the slides too. Have a look!
Many survivors and their relatives face physical, mental and/or neuro cognitive problems after their critical illness and ICU admission, known as the Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)
Watch this lecture by Mark Mikkelsen. He’s an expert and his lecture gives a perfect overview:
The Road to Recovery: Engaging & Preparing Survivors of Critical Illness – Mark Mikkelsen
February 2016) a new sepsis definition was completed
Watch this video, which explains it very clearly. And see here for an interview with professor Derek Angus, about the new sepsis-score called QSOFA. Especially for professionals this video is very informative.
Bloodpoisening/sepsis needs worldwide attention
Sepsis, also known as bloodpoisening, is responsible for many victims. It can start very sneaky, resembling a flue. That’s why sepsis often isn’t treated as an emergency. But early goal directed therapy can save so many lives. View this video called ‘It’s Sepsis – not Flue! Information for the public’:
When? If 2 or more of the following criteria arise:
-Fever > 38,3 or undertemperature of 36 degrees Celsius or lower
-Hartbeat > 90/min
-Respiration rate > 20/min
-Strong deviatons in the rate and types of white bloodcell(counts)
ánd a strong suspicion of, or clue to infection. In that case the alarmbells for sepsis should start to ring.
When signs of organ dysfunction occur (symptoms like: confusion, decrease in urineproduction or breathing difficulties) sepsis should be suspected. When all of this is complicated by a low bloodpressure which doesn’t react to administering extra fluids, then the situation has turned into a septic shock. Sepsis is one of the most common but least recognized diseases!
Early diagnosis of sepsis is essential
That’s why the Surviving Sepsis Campaign was initiated in 2002, a collaboration between the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, to bring down the mortality by severe sepsis and septic shock in the world.
Read more here.
Every year an International congress is held where professionals from countries all over the world share their knowledge and latest insights about (the treatment of) sepsis. Take a look here. And to enhance awareness the World Sepsis Day is held every year on the 13th of september.
- The book ‘Sepsis and afterwards. Use the orange button aboven. Otherwise click here.
- A consultation by mail or skype. Send a mail so we can make an appointment and I can give you the details.
- Read here my lecture at the First International Sepsissymposium in the Netherlands (in English), in 2014.
Would you like to know more about sepsis, or share your comment or story?
Mail to this address
Tel: (0031) (0)6-41271004
Type your text here